Register new User
First Name*
Last Name*
Phone* (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Phone Extension
Cell Phone (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Used for SMS Instant Alerts
Required for SMS Instant Alerts
Zip Code

Username* (Case sensitive)  
Password* (Case sensitive)
Retype Password

Session Timeout* (5 - 120 minutes)
For your security, DayClips sessions automatically end after a period of inactivity. This helps prevent breaches of security if you forget to log out. Enter the number of minutes of inactivity allowed before your session will automatically be closed.

Verification Number* (i.e. 8268)
Enter a personal pin number for verification purposes. This information will not be shared.
Entering a Verification Number allows only you or those with your Verification Number to schedule appointments.
The number you enter may only be used to confirm your identity for your protection. The number you enter may be used to verify appointments made online, by phone, or in person.
Your nickname is information that may be used by service providers to distinguish you from other Members with similar or identical names.
What's the sum of 1+5?*
(spam protection)

Fields marked * are required.

I have read and agree to Terms and Conditions for using DayClips.